Saturday, February 13, 2010

One Hundred Strangers Turned Teammates

It's Saturday, but I was up at 7:30 this morning to get ready and meet with a client at Lucille Roberts before heading over to the Team in Training kick-off "party" at the Dave and Busters in Farmingdale. It was quite the event and overwhelming at first because it was basically a hundred people I didn't know. However, while waiting in line I learned this cool trick where if you simply turned to the person next to you and said brightly, "So, are you running the San Diego marathon?" they would become completely friendly and start up a conversation with you. So that was good.

I could tell a lot of work and organization was put into this event (and probably even more into the clean up after we left.) They introduced all the mentors, training captains, and coaches, showed a pretty decent video, and sent us off to meet with our coaches.

The training schedule looks awesome. Just a month from today, on March 13th, I'll be doing a ten mile run with my team. By the end of March, we'll be doing a 14 mile run. (That's over half a marathon! So much quicker than I expected!!) But with all the training leading up to it, it does seem feasible.

We went for our first team run together afterwards, just a short one, a little over 2.5 miles. Still, I did struggle a little bit because a) it was cold!!!! b) I've been getting used to running on the treadmill, which, in my opinion is easier than running outside, and c) I have a really bad cold, which was kind of screwing with my breathing, and proper breathing is vital to running.

From the team run I went to the gym where I ran another 2 miles, and then did some cross training on the arc trainer, but... I was so frustrated because physically, my body just wasn't feeling it today. Because of the cold & congestion, I felt like I had all these pins in my throat, and then my knee started bothering me- GAH! I know most people wouldn't consider running 4.5 miles an "off" day for working out, but for me, personally- by this point I'm expecting more out of myself. Being an avid gym addict for so long, I can definitely tell when my body is not working at its full potential. And today, unfortunately, was one of those days.

But what could I do? I did some good stretching, bought some cold medicine and am hoping that I'll have a better run tomorrow. I don't want to let anyone down- not those one hundred strangers who are now my teammates, not all the generous people who have already donated and those I hope will still donate, and especially not myself.

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