Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lost and Found

My training schedule had "30 minutes" written in the little box for February 16th. I ran for 35.

It didn't feel like enough. I understand the concept- shorter runs during the week, saving and building our energy towards long runs on Saturday- but I've gotten used to always wanting to push myself and go farther.

I probably would have, too, if I didn't have to rush to meet a new client at Lucille Roberts. (Who, by the way, seems like one of those genuinely sweet people in the world, I'm really happy to be working with her.)

Tomorrow is a non-run day on the training schedule- it's cross training instead. I know it's good to cross train, but! I want to run!!!

I should probably take it easy now while I still can, I guess. Soon enough I'll be hating life at mile 15 with eleven more miles to go.

I was in such a rush while leaving the gym that I forgot my fancy schmancy 12 dollar water bottle at the treadmill. I was quite sad about it... it's pretty new still. After I met with my client I thought, why not give it a shot? and went back to Planet Fitness to see if it was still there.

One of the guys who works there helped me, and we looked around for a bit, and it all seemed pretty bleak. I double checked in the women's locker room, already resigning myself to the fact that it had been tossed or stolen.

But when I passed the main desk on the way out, there was the Planet Fitness guy holding it, he had found it behind the desk somewhere. And it's silly, but its one of the best feelings in the world when you find something again after you thought you'd lost it forever.

I hope someday I can experience that lost-and-found type happiness for something besides an overpriced pink plastic water bottle.

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