Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Running out of time.

Last Saturday I ran 13 miles and while it was still a bit difficult towards the end it was still sooo much easier than it has been. I ran the whole thing and had less gatorade stops during the run. I remember thinking at one point, "Since when did running 13 miles become easy?"

In comparison to 16, at least- it definitely was. I'm still really scared of the 18 miler this weekend. And about driving home after. I know I'll probably have to leave Saturday mostly, if not completely, free just for recovering from the training. I cannot even explain to you how I feel after a Saturday morning training run. I'm completely stripped of energy and I just want to lie in bed all day and walking hurts and going up and down the stairs REALLY hurts and I feel these little muscles on the sides of my feet that I didn't even know I had popping and it hurts but at the same time I know I'm doing something amazing.

In other running news, I finally got an iPhone last week (yay technology!!!) and have since downloaded a couple of running apps for tracking distance and pace and such. I'm not sure how exactly accurate they are, but they're still cool.

On Sunday I went to a fundraiser that one of the girls on my running team, Magdaly, held at QZar, a place I hadn't been since high school! It was so much fun and I won a raffle- a gift certificate to Posh Hair Salon. Which is good because my hair sucks. Did I mention that Magdaly is awesome and we're going to be roommates in San Diego? I've really met some awesome people through Team in Training. My mentor Lauri has been helpful relating to stuff, and not just running related.

I cannot believe the half marathon is less than 2 weeks away, and that I'm not one bit nervous about it. I'm much more nervous about attempting 18 miles this weekend at hilly Sunken Meadow. With everything going on on race day, and with my training between now and then, I'm hoping it really will be an easy, fun one. Some people have already mentioned coming out to see me at the start and or/the finish line, and I'm really psyched about that!!!

I still feel like I have awhile to go before being able to run a full marathon though, and I'm running out of time. Woah. Totally unintentional pun.

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